Environmental Performance Analysis of Bungalow in an Urban setting of Barcelona
Student : Prajakta Panchal
Tutor : Spyroz Stravoravdis

Balcony View – Bungalow
This bungalow with motif facade is set in a hypothetical site in Barcelona. The site (Barcelona) is analysed in terms of temperature, wind, humidity, solar radiation, etc. and PV panels are proposed for 50 % of the facade and 50 % of the roof of this bungalow.

Climate Analysis
Graphs of weather conditions throughout the year (in Barcelona) are generated by Climate Consultant. Information on wind velocities and wind direction, humidity and temperature comfort levels, solar radiation and sky cover, etc. is obtained from these graphs. These graphs are studied as per these parameters and conclusions applicable to the site are derived.

Site Analysis
Sunpath is generated for the site through Ladybug (Grasshopper). The shadows on buildings and overshadowing between buildings at different hours of the day are studied. A radiation study of the entire site is done to understand the amount of solar radiation falling on each of the buildings to eventually place PV panels.

PV panel placement
Solar radiations generated specifically on the bungalow are studied. This analysis plays an important role in optimizing a building’s performance. The resultant positioning of photo-voltaic panels leads to an increase in energy production at a lower cost. Analysis of interior rooms for lighting and ventilation reduces the air-conditioning loads, thereby reducing the effective cost of the building. In this case, Cadmium telluride photovoltaics are proposed.

Daylight Analysis
The family room of this bungalow is analysed for daylight autonomy and solutions to improve the same have been analysed and proposed for the bungalow.
Environmental analysis is a useful tool in designing a high performance building.