Recursive Growth is a group project for the Python Seminar in the MAA02 2019-2020 program.
Using the Python scripting components for grasshopper, recursive loops of moving interpolation points according to certain protocols results in the organic growth of curve, which is subsequently lofted at increasing height (in the normal direction of the previous points).
The shape and form of the base geometries the script was applied to are inspired by ocean dwelling corals and other creatures – such as the Lettuce Sea Slug [Elysia Crispata], or the common Kelp.
Render (a): Kelp inpsired Lamp Design
Render (b): Underwater Observation Lamp
Render (c): Basking Sea Slugs
Recursive Growth is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed for the Master in Advanced Architecture,
Thesis Program in 2019-2020 by:
Students: Megan Smylie, Hena Micoogullari, Haresh Ragunathan, Pratik Girish Borse
Faculty: Angel Munoz