The TWIST project is an experimentation in the properties of milled plywood. It features a woven structure made of thin plywood boards connected to curved ribs  incharge of shaping and assuring  rigidity. The ensemble is applied onto a moebius band with a diameter of 6 m.

The project is to recreate and parametrize this structure, and showcase its features in an animated video.


Create the Moebius Band

1. Create a circle
2. Draw extending radial lines (ribs)
2.1 Draw upwards arched curves from the radial lines (arched ribs)
3. Rotate the ribs in an equal sequence from 0 to 360 degrees about their center points .
4. Loft between the ribs to view the space created by the moebius

Define the Ribs

1. Extract Ribs from Point 3 above
2. Dispatch list into 2 equal (evens and odds) ribs.
3. Create rectangular extrusion along the Odd rib numbers

Create woven structure

1.Divide All ribs into equal number of segments
2. Dispatch lists as per point 2 above
3. Retrieve alternative points (even numbers) from even ribs
4. Retrieve alternative points (odd numbers) from odd ribs
5. Reweave all the points the to form the woven structure


Data Visualization


Twisted band deformation

I wanted to further explore and visualize the potential modulation of the parameters that define the twist.

The image besides shows the graph that deforms the rotation parameters as well as the resulting 3d form.



The Animation

