The Fab Lab program is part of the MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) which broadly explores how the content of information relates to its physical representation,
FabLab Barcelona is part of the FabLab central where students from Peru, Ethiopia, Italy and Spain are learning. With the future FabLabs under formation in both Ethiopia and Peru, students are taking courses from the MIT program, ‘How to make almost anything’.  This includes projects from design tools (laser cutter, CNC miller, 3d scanner and printer ) to PCB design, microcontroller programming, Networking and communications and machine design. There have also been taking various workshops like the Fabfi workshop where the goals are to create simple, low cost and easy to create antennas,more information at
Proceeding with their biweekly assignments students are also preparing for their final projects, where each one is now developing his/her final thesis project which will be presented by the end of the academic year.  More of students projects can be found at fabacademy blog or fabacademy labs.
FabLab barcelona is also in the fabrication and assembly of the Solar House Fabrication as well as with other projects involved in the IaaC MAA program. More of  fablab Barcelona can found at