Students of the MAA at IAAC had the change to attend 2 class sessions with Michael Weinstock the passed days. Michael Weinstock is an architect,  currently Director of Research and Development and Director of the Emergent Technologies and Design programme in the Graduate School of the Architectural Association School. Michael Weinstock had two sessions with the students. During the first session Mike covered the subject of   ¨evolution and computation¨ while at the second one he focused mostly in ¨system and cities¨. Mike Weinstock left IAAC after an Open Lecture that he gave at our Auditorium with the title: Metabolism of the City – the architecture of flows. During the sessions he presented his research on metabolism life and its conection with computation systems. The human social aspect, climatology and ecology were some of the main points during his speech. He spoke about the metropolis, superblock and tower. Also he left some reflection quotes/questions that could generate new questions: ‘Can we reanimate the city, reconnect and rewire the dream of the utopian metrópolis?’ ‘Can we make intelligent infrastructures to integrate public spaces and natural ecology within cities?’