The IAAC project for the ENDESA Pavilion is now fully constructed. The Pavillion is situated at Moll de la Marina in Barcelona and is part of the Smart Cities Expo. The endesa Pavilion is an IAAC project designed by IAAC with chief architect Rodrigo Rubio. ¨We built a solar house with solar material. Wood is a living material that grows in the sun. It is an inexhaustible material produced in culture. Is a soft, accessible, easy to work, adapt and join. It’s a warm material, which provides high thermal insulation.¨
The system that is proposed is designed to be fabricated by CNC machines, that provide high execution speed. In fact, the pavilion has been built in one month term. This is possible thanks to the production of parts that are defined in digital format string and cut into very quickly, even if they are completely different from each other. In addition, we expect that wood is a material easy to cut and carry.
The photovoltaic energy capture is housed in the facade from the south and on the cover. The inclinations of these panels vary depending on the main orientations.