Gunter Pauli had a lecture the previous days on designing with the flows. Gunter highlighted the importance of flows for the design of a healthy environment. A school that ventilates correctly and creates a healthy environment for children can upgrade the value of the city and become a pole of attraction for families. In terms on materiality Bamboo has a special place on the interests of Gunter, in ZERI foundations book ¨growing your own house¨ it appears that bamboos properties are suitable for sustainable design with extremely low cost in countries like Colombia were it could be used. After the lecture the 1st book of the new publications of IAAC – Interviews 01 Gunter Pauli was presented to the audience. The book has a complete interview of Gunter Pauli taken by Willy Müller (IAAC founder) and Areti Markopoulou (MAA master program director) last year at IAAC. Dr. Gunter Pauli was born in Antwerp in 1956. He Graduated with a degree in Economics from Loyola’s University in Belgium and obtained his masters in business administration from INSEAD in France. He is an entrepreneur and founder of ZERI Foundation (Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives).