The line has always been a very important means of communication and representation in arts, architecture and many other fields. We are interested in the different ways in which the digital environment can be used as an opportunity to work with drawings, the paths that they leave in time and the possibility to visualize and materialize a 3 dimensional movement from two parallel worlds.
Gjon Mili’s work focused on the movement and traces of light and how the human body behaves with different pictures, and served as our main inspiration for the drawing output medium. Our main focus was to draw in 3d space in different scenes of our VR environment to eventually output the path into a movement for the UR cobot to execute. We chose to have a light source as our end effector and capture the drawing with a camera set at a really low shutter speed.
We designed a custom glove to use as the drawing tool in the VR environment. It will act as a replacement to the controllers. Equipped with flex sensors and touch sensors, the glove can start the drawing process as well as modify the color and thickness of the line it draws in 3D.
The setup and execution steps
The user is then invited to wear the VR glove and initiate the drawing process. The box will remain lit until the user is finished drawing.
The workflow and overall process
The schematics
A look into the Unity Interface
Drawing with the UR
This project has a github repository that you can access here.
Paraline is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2020/2021 by:
Students: Aslinur Taskin, Helena Homsi, Juan Eduardo Ojeda
Faculty: Mery Glez
Faculty Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk