The scope of this project is to understand geometrical optimization strategies and machine learning techniques to develop a three dimensional model all the way through fabrication. A Catalan vault was created using Rhino Vault 2.
The model was taken through a rationalization and panelization process, and thereafter, the shortest path method was employed to break the model down further into strips for fabrication.
Grasshopper was used to create the original model and panelize it, while a Python script was used to create the shortest path. The final strips were printed to build a model, which was then superimposed over the computer generated model to see the results.
Catalan Vault – Generation to Fabrication with the Shortest Path is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design in 2020/21 by:
Students: Shelley Livingston and Alexander Tong
Faculty: David Andrés León and Dai Kandil