Sticky Colors is an immersive intervention where the user interacts indirectly with following lights, whose colors are informed by the ambient temperature.

It consists of a round-shaped room in which three modules are displayed. Each module is composed of an Ultrasonic Sensor, in charge of measuring the distance to people in constant flux; a Stepper Motor, in charge of moving the LEDs according to the position informed by the Ultrasonic Sensor; and an RGB Led that moves around the room following the users. Additionally, a Temperature Sensor controls the color of each LED, remapping the temperature in an RGB coding system.

The result is a shaded space illuminated by three LEDs that move around the room according to the user’s position, changing their color that the environmental conditions inform.




Temperature Analysis



Distance Measurment


Led position


Led color


Arduino Setup

Arduino Setup


Low Temperature


High Temperature


Sticky Colors is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Masters in Advanced Architecture in 2021/2022
Student: Martin Gomez
Faculty: Cristian Rizzuti
Assistant: Aman Najari
Course: Introduction to Programming and Physical Computing