The Rocking Chair: FLeX Chair


The Rocking Chair, or most commonly known as FLeX Chair, provides a level of exuberance with its  ergonomic and fitting design. Constructed and designed by architect, Rachael Verdugo and carpenter, Anton Hofstadt, the chair fulfils both form and function.

The assembly of the chair was undertaken using a steamer to assist within the wood bending and the fixing was achieved using a heavy duty wood glue, B-1438, to hold the side elements in place.  The back of the chair uses a Trotec´s Kerf 1: Straight intersecting lines design to guarantee flexibility for bending and assembly.

The three elements were cut using 2-Axis Milling Machine and were later clamped to ensure stability and curvature later serving as an entertaining must have.

Model: Philipp Wienkämper


Materials Used:
1 x (2400mm x 1500mm x 15mm) Plywood Sheet
Polyurethane Glue

“The FLeX Chair” is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at Masters in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities in 2021-22 by:

Students: Rachael Verdugo and Anton Hofstadt

Faculty: Bruno Ganem Coutinho