In response to the main topic of the Studio: ‘provide material processes for building with additive manufacturing techniques on site, using highly available/local materials’, the results of this year’s Digital Tectonics Research Studio show a wide range of solutions that go beyond the obvious and open up new paths for architecture and design. A diverse and highly qualified jury including architects, engineers, physicists and cultural managers was at the final presentation and took a critical view on the projects, gave crucial feed back and provoked interesting discussions. The Projects: ————————————————- FABCLAY PETFLAKES MAGNETIC ARCHITECTURE SPRAYSTONE CONCREAR POROCITY FLEXI-MOULDS The Jury: ————————————————- Jelle Feringa (Hyperbody Group, TU Delft) Luis Fraguada (IAAC, BAD Barcelona) Carlos Ipser (DHUB, Barcelona) Santiago Martín (Vórtica) Oscar Pérez (KUKA Ibérica) Santiago R. Pérez (Fay Jones School of Architecture, University of Arkansas) Jose Pedro Sousa (FAUP Porto and FCTUC Coimbra) Josep Perelló ( Jordi Truco (Director of ADDA, Elisava) The Faculty: ————————————————- Tutor: Marta Malé-Alemany Suport tutors: Santiago Martín (Vórtica), Santiago Martín (IdeasCAD) Assistants: Jordi Portell and Miquel Lloveras Electronics: Guillem Camprodón You can see the presented projects under: