Digital tools: Gamify – Unity 3D
Use of Unity 3D – Static images or animations are no longer the only representation tool we have in our arsenal. Virtual Reality has become viable thanks to the evolution of modern computer hardware. Graphics cards are much more powerful than when Virtual Reality was first introduced. Even the software has become much more efficient and easier to use. These software’s are no more confined to gambler’s only. With applications specially designed for virtual reality are out, it is high time we get our hands-on these software’s for architectural purpose as well. The ‘gamification’ of our projects is not only a possibility, it will become the defacto standard for architectural presentations.
- Import project geometry (terrain, architecture, ambience)
- Texture geometry (using unity)
- Creating a journey for the user through the use of text and other navigation hints
- Publish game as a standalone application
Video link:
With the use of software’s like Unity 3D we can create games and presentations which can later be exported and visualized in this virtual reality world!
Gamify – Unity 3D is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master of Advanced Architecture in 2015/16 by:
- Dhairya Thakkar
- Luis Fraguda
- Rodrigo Aguirre