Bacteria Environmental Control
For the Introductory Studio we needed to create an environment to sustain the growth of bioluminescent bacteria.
The incubator we designed had to keep the temperature within 15-24 degrees celsius. Using Arduino we set up a system that comprised of a temperature sensor as well as fans to cool the incubator if the temperature rises above 24 degrees.
Arduino diagram
Application of the Arduino system in the incubator
PRODUINO – Bacteria environmental control is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master of Advanced Architecture in 2015/16 by:
- Thora H Arnardottir (Personal Website)
- Karthik Dhanabalan
- Jessica Dias
- Noor El-Gewely
- Maryann Ewais
- Ingried Ramirez
- Ramin Shambayati
- Carmen Aguilar y Wedge