Interactive facade(blink) 

IAAC_Interactive facade(blink)

This project was created to make people passing my notice IAAC, as well as provide a fun experience. The glass pixels on the facade of IAAC was the chosen location to create the interactive installation.


recycling of the lights for an old installation

recycling of the lights for an old installation

lights aquired

lights aquired

dmx drivers being wired and connected with lights

dmx drivers being wired and connected with lights

detail of the driver

detail of the driver

dmx drivers connected with lights connected with arduino

dmx drivers connected with lights connected with arduino

IAAC_Interactive facade(blink)

support structure being laser cut

support structure being assembled

support structure being assembled

embedding the lights and the drivers into the structure

embedding the lights and the drivers into the structure

connecting between the panels

connecting between the panels

conductivity check, and code debugging

conductivity check, and code debugging

installed on the facade, the lights interaction to the position of the user.

installed on the facade, the lights interaction to the position of the user.







Interactive Facade(blink) is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016.

Students : Abdullah Ibrahim, Mohamad Elatab, Robert Chacon, Sameera chukkapalli.

Faculty : Guillem Camprodon, Angel Muñoz.