Capturing the world | Mail box

There are many ways to model the real world.  Increasingly, we are moving away from attempting to model real world objects based on measuring, describing, and drawing and rather are looking for ways to digitize the object directly.  This can be done in a multitude of ways, including laser scanning, time of flight scanning, and photogrammetry.  For this exercise we used photogrammetry to digitize a real world object and use that as a basis for modelling a clean model in Rhino.

A post-box near metro station Fabra i Puig. Several shots were taken to upload the same on 123d catch and the images were stitched together to obtain as a mesh

A post-box near metro station Fabra i Puig. Several shots were taken to upload the same on 123d catch and the images were stitched together to obtain as a mesh.


123d catch model. Several shots were taken around the objects.


The mesh was imported to Rhino to use it as a reference to remodel it.


Creating the cylinder


Used the fillet command


I started with simple geometrical shapes and further tried using commands like fillet, offset, revolve, extrude, etc. to obtain the geometry.


Offset the curve & than used the revolve command.

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Capturing the world | Mail box is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015 – 2016 by:

Students: Viplav Goverdhan

Faculty: Luis Fraguada