Master : MAA01 Cours : Computational Design Titile : Recursive Topologies Year : 2017-2018 Student : Francois NOUR Tutors : Rodrigo Aguirre, Aldo Sollazo
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The Aim of the exercise is to take an element from Mies Van Der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona and apply to it a recursive system allowing this part to have a new architectural function. (Using Rhino and Grasshopper).
Selection of the Element:
The Bench is the only low element, without any continuity with the roof plane. Therefore, I will be focusing on this element and try to create a connection with the rest of the pavilion.

The Marble Cubes supporting the bench
The main Idea is to select 4 cubes among the 8, to host an inflatable structure, and the 4 other will be hosting the fans. The aim of the inflatable structure is to create a shadow on the terrace, and generate an air flow during summer that would refresh the whole building.
Water Evaporation Simulation and sunlit spots
Selecting the Cube from the 3D model, Moving it upwards (canopy level) and selecting the normal of each face to strat the loop. Random values are given to the boxes to create a more diverse web. The Boxes and the structure liking them form a system ready to be iterated