Maa 2017/ 2018
Tutors; Mark Burry, Rodrigo Aguirre
Technical Support; Keesje Avis, Ricardo Mayor, Sebastian Amorelli, Sujal K. Suresh
Alberto Emil Holguin Martinez Ardeshir Talaei
Arman Najari
Johan Jasser Salas Castro Madhurya Bayyapuneedi Mohamed Ifthikar Noordeen
The project was inspired from the natural forms like tress extends itself and thereby creating a function or encapsulating the existing structures .
ref :
Taking the above references , Concepts for branching system are devised
From the the concepts the above branching system was evolved .
Branching system proposals
The final Branching system was hence derived
The evolution shows the evolution of a single branching system .
The profiles for the column are inspired from the growth patten of the trees
Generating profiles
Profiles Generated :
First set of Columns generated from the above profile curves .
Second Set of profiles
Fabricated columns .
First Column fabricated.:
Second Column fabricated.:
Third Column fabricated.:
Making Process :
Making video