Bio Pathways is the merge of architectural concepts with agricultural production.

Inspired by the natural evolution  of Hong Kong’s amoeba like shaped inner public spaces, a municipal service building is rethought of as the center of a planned “expansion”.





A scan of Hong Kong’s local recipes was done to determine planter size and which produce to yield.



Planters are parametric to adapt to growth conditions which best suit the plant it is holding.


And “growth” structures were also parametric to pass between buildings and tight corners.


The “arms” are meant to serve as a reversal to Hong Kong’s lack of greenery.




And by reaching out to new areas of the city, create new nodes of public space.



Productive Connections is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at MaCT (Master in City & Technology),
2017-18 by:
Students: Camille Feghali
Faculty: Willy Muller & Jordi Vivaldi