As part of the Digital Matter seminar we have developed an interactive medium for spatiotemporal control and behavioural analysis. In order to be able to communicate the complexity of this project in an user-friendly manner I have developed a Augmented Reality application.


The general structure of the application is explained bellow.

Main Screen :

You start from a main screen with three possible continuations.


Variations :

At first you can get familiar with the two main variations in production – the under-mat and the modular tile. The AR app allows you to understand the structure of the two and finally you can see them being applied to both indoor and outdoor spaces.


Applications : 


Further along you can see the possible applications of the system in variety of spaces. This part is not in AR for better communication with the final user. By selecting each one you are able to see which variation is suggested (under-mat or tile), where are the possible application surface-wise and also get some suggestions on the features that can be included within the system.


Data analysis :

Finally you can understand the different modes of spatiotemporal analysis and view them in an interactive manner.




Synapse App is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, MAA 01 in 2017 – 2018 of the Seminar Elective SE.8 New Interfaces VR/AR by :

Student: Nikol Kirova

Faculty: Starsky Lara