Parametric Facade
Formato Elf Architekten
The honeycomb structure design calculated in a parametric process, which gives the building its contemporary look. To do this, it was necessary to program a sequence of commands.
Image 1: by Formato Elf Architekten
Pseudo Code
1. Use the hexagon command and make sliders for the length, height, and
of the wall;
2. Use the pull point and set the multiple points;
3. Create a domain to define the brick;
4. Create a slider for both inputs by determining the parameters. Use X for length and for Z for depth;
5. Scale the geometry and before connecting make the Flatten the Points and Cells;
6. Merge and graft after to join the geometry and create the surface;
7. Add the Z unit and extrude the geometry.
Image 2: Script do Grasshopper
//Parametric Facade
Parametric Facade || Format Elf Architekten is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2018 by:
Student: Sara Kelliane Alves da Costa
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre, David Andres Leon
Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk