Parametric Facade




“This old warehouse on Jungong Road, Shanghai was originally used to store fabrics. Abandoned and dilapidated, it has now been given a new life as an office and exhibition space. Located in a newly formed artists’ complex, the area consists of three identical warehouse spaces totalling 1,200 sqm. The central warehouse has been converted into an outdoor recreational space and entrance lobby serving the exhibition hall and the studio. The external parametric wall of the warehouse encloses the building on three sides. Parametric processes have been used here to superimpose the contours and definition of silk undulating in the wind – a sign of its past. The wall consists of concrete blocks, angled to create an interesting texture and varying amounts of light. Inside there are two meeting rooms and exhibition areas. The roof of this space has been left intact, simply renovated. Large windows run along both walls flooding daylight into the large open space.”

Psuedo Code

*Draw a Curve*

*Create a square Grid*

*Select every other point in the list*

*Create boxes by using points as the centers*

*Make the boxes hollow*

*Find distance from centers of the boxes to closest points on the curves*

*Rotate the boxes according to the distance from the closest points on the curve*