Designing a space of ambiguous realities is the intention of this project. Although interacting with the mechanisms of robotics and virtual point clouds seems predefined, live data communication with sensorial objects of sound, luminosity, and movement provides a juxtaposition between human and machine.

Sequence diagram:

Communication protocols:


Active zone:

Color and sound:



Final video:

“TPOINT: Real-time Robotic Feedback” is a project of IaaC,
Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:

Students: Gabriele Jureviciute, Umit Ceren Bayazitoglu, Jasser Salas Castro, Wei-Hong Wang
Daniil Koshelyuk, Arman Najari, Elliott Santos, Lars Erik Elseth, Hari Krishna Gundu
Faculty: Kunaljit Singh Chadha
Special thanks to Ardeshir Talaei