// BRIEF: Our lives are split between physical and digital worlds. The goal of this project is to represent and combine these two parts. To create a small interactive facade prototype. The facade may react to the environment through sensors and adapt its shape to the external input condition, in the case of this project, temperature.

// CONCEPT: The idea behind this project was to regulate the passive ventilation in a building through the use of pneumatic systems. Through the use of a micro-controller, the pneumatic membranes is activate though temperature sensors inside a building, which trigger the solenoid valves connected to an air compressor and inflate the modules. As the internal temperature decreases, the skin would inflate and prohibit air from penetrating through the facade. By scaling up this project, each module would be independently controlled and respond to its own immediate surrounding, resulting in a facade that is always in flux and promoting stable environmental condition within independent from external weather.











BREATH. is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed by Master in Advanced Architecture students, in 2019 by:
Students_Michel L’Eglise, Chim Meng Lim, Mario Valadez, Aditya Mandlik, Zackary Bryson