IAAC – Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction
Workshop 2.1
Faculty: Stuart Maggs, Alexandre DuborPol Cirujeda.
Faculty assistant: Soroush Garivani 


Credits: Scaled Robotics 


It was a bright cold day in April, and the sky was a dusty orange.
The young Architect exited the building into the crowded street after his morning dose of soma. Surrounded by dull grey of concrete and the reflective glass structures rising up around him he headed to the office.

It was 2055 and the world was in crisis, raw materials for construction had become scarce but populations and economies screamed out for new buildings and infrastructure to fuel them.

Scarcity of resources forced the necessity of repurposing existing buildings into new ones, and the government to codify the principles of the circular economy into law.

The Architect and his office was tasked with mining the city.
Hunting for digital files of archaic buildings to create databases of raw building materials.
The office would then use that to inform and generate new innovative building strategies before the urban miners extracted the materials.

Learning objectives

Through this workshop, students will learn how Scaled Robotics is extracting meaningful insights from a variety of reality capture techniques, before using computer vision and machine learning to extract meaningful information.
The students will mine data from a live Scaled Robotics project to create workflows based on the outlined Scenario to reuse materials in innovative ways to create new buildings or value.