Sprouting Systems explores the possibilities of designing using physical simulation to create minimal surface forms between curvilinear geometry. Using a combination of anchor points, edge-length and pressure variables, several iterations were generated to demonstrate the capabilities and richness of using physics-based modelling as a design generation tool. A real-time demonstration can be seen in the video below.
The process is divided in three steps: Defining the base geometry, creating a mesh and defining the anchor points, the edge length factor and the pressure factor to in order to launch the physics simulation.
Code Development
Using the iterations of the live-demo: Four curves are elevated at four separate heights and a ruled surface is generated between every pair. The surface is directly converted into a mesh of a sufficient resolution and the points on the mesh closest to the initial curves are selected as the anchor points. The mesh is then subjected to the physical forces to deform the shape as desired.
Real-time demonstration
The script above is developed using the structure of the pseudo-code. It starts off with the base geometry used in the live demonstration created using MD Sliders on a determined surface. The curves are then aligned to have matching seam locations and sorted by height in order to create an organised ruled surface between every pair. A mesh is created from this surface and then is welded, joined, combined and cleaned and fed into the Kangaroo component.
Anchor points are pulled from the naked vertices of the pre-combined meshes and coupled with the variable factors of edge length and pressure. These are located in the centre of the script. Finally, on the right, visualisation components are used to create the diagrams shown in the video.
Forces of Nature / Sprouting Systems is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:
Student: Rani Kamel
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre, Mohamad Elatab
Assistant: Ivan Marchuk, Oana Taut