BUILDers in Residence - Residency Programme for MAA02 students
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Autodesk establish Research Residency Positions in Boston to further accelerate the research developed in the MAA02 programme towards industries, start ups and relevant professionals.
Four 2-month funded Research Residency Positions will allow selected MAA02 students to accelerate their research projects, unto this point developed entirely in IAAC in their Individual Thesis Studio, by emerging them in a highly advanced facility, with access to software and the industry working in and around Autodesk.
The Master in Advanced Architecture programme emerges as an innovative open structure bringing together students and faculty from different disciplines and origins, towards the development of an interactive, technologically integrated and evolutional vision for Architecture, capable of engaging with complex and changing environments.
The 2-year Master in Advanced Architecture combines Design, Science and Technology to develop innovative architectural solutions for the increasing challenges of future habitability.
MAA02 is oriented towards training professionals such as architects, engineers and designers from all over the world eager to imagine the future of our cities and societies and committed to build it in the present.
The students enrolled in the 2-year master programme (MAA02) and engaging in the Residency positions, will have the opportunity to accelerate their individual Thesis Projects and develop them in an industry oriented research community. The first Residency programme for these students will take place in Summer 2019.