People have been dreaming, painting, writing and planning their ports from the beginning of time. The project presents an imaginary concept of Barcelona’s port 100 years from now. This project developed a system in which people will have the ability to create their own surfaces, their immediate public spaces, by using and calculating real time data systems. Ports are fields of energy, like a living body cell, they are always constant changing, and full with potential. In Ports have all kind of ships and boats, with huge variety of programs, sizes, no. of people etc. The surfaces system we have been developed can affect all of these parameters together. This system can change and adapt to any situation, at any given time. The surfaces are fluid and movable. This is a tool to accelerate, intensify and enrich sea activities. This is a new way to create life inside the sea. And this is the way we want to see ports in the future!
we started by defying the most important notions for us , that represent the future in the way we want to see it
Above you can see how this distribution works- Big ship attracts small islands, as they already have their own useful programs.
Small boats creates big islands that can inhabit all different kinds of programs
It’s amazing to look at pictures Barcelona’s port today and 100 years ago. So much has changed!! Just image how much can be changed in another 100 years
Down you can see the first diagrams of the project, and how they changed and modified through analyzing of real time data such as- Weather, people density, programs etc.
Site Plan- Team- Ran Shabtay Edgar Navarrete John Koshy Adhity arathinam