Digital Tools For Colalboration Workflow seminar was focused on innovative ways to collaborate from early design stages through a software called Speckle. Group 1 worked as a team with individual roles using branches of a speckle stream to exchange geometrical data.
For the final assignment, we used the ongoing Studio project to demonstrate the collaboration workflow. Our team has created a stream with four branches as seen above.
The first task was to download the provided terrain of the site, which we got from the master stream of the studio course.
Aleksander Mastalski then generated floor plans and initial iteration of a massing, which was used by Andrei Okolokoulak to generate an outer shell through Kangaroo using the massing data. After uploading the result, the data was downloaded by Yara Aseeri who converted Rhino geometry into Revit components for documentation.
The process was then repeated in the same order for the second iteration.
We then uploaded an updated geometry to the master stream to be viewed together with the other geometries uploaded by fellow teams.
Aleksander Mastalski, Andrei Okolokoulak, Yara Aseeri
Allan Rhyne, Noelia Rodriguez