The milling exercise aimed to get a better understanding of the CNCmilling machine by fabricating and casting a floor tile. The process included designing the unit and its cast, setting up the parameters for the CNC and ultimately fabricate the tile.
In 1886 Jaume Escofet founded ESCOFET y FORTUNY, a pavement manufacturing company. Later it became Escofet y Tejero and in 1988 they won the Barcelona World Trade Fair Gold Medal.In 1906 they started producing modernist hydraulic tiles. The tiles manufactured by Escofet in conjunction with renowned architects like Lluís Domènech i Montaner and Alexandre de Riquer. The most outstanding example is Antoni Gaudí’s Hexagonal Tile for the Pedrera building interiors. An adaptation of this model was used 90 years later to pave Barcelona’s Paseo de Gracia. Our design style is based on he typical tiles from Barcelona produced a century ago by the factories that rised in the industrial revolution.
The process started in Rhino, was developed with the help of Grasshopper, set up in RhinoCam and sent to the CNC milling machine. (milling time 2:07h)
After the cast mould was finished, it was treated with sealer and vaseline and concrete was poured in. After taking care that all the air bubbles are out, the concrete was left to dry for about 6 to 7 hours. After the cast was removed from the mould, it was polished and put in place.
——- Ruxandra // Carlos // Novak ——-