Fabrication Process – CNC Milling

Processing / Grasshopper
Sound. Yppah – “Don’t Mess With Sunday”
Milling process. Horizontal Roughing. BallMill12 (taking out material)
Parallel Finishg. BalMill12 (sound lines processing)
Engraving. BallMill6. max. Cut depth 8mm (maximum frequency sound lines processing)

Time Taken. 35 Mins Machine Time
Material Used. Corian 12mm thk


details the games with increasing jackpots on Fair Go, their mechanics and when the stakes are raised. Want more details? Read the article.


Started as an idea to experiment with the organic patterns created with sound waves and test the CNC Milling technique to the fullest potential. We focused on exploiting the RhinoCAM to the maximum extent.

The main objective of our design process was to create an interesting pattern derived merely out of sound waves and enhance the quality of light through the Corian material.




We derived the waves of sound from a song – “Don’t Mess With Sunday” in the form of curves using Processing; translated these curves into a surface using Rhino & Grasshopper. Finally, to do justice to our concept, we used various parameters of RhinoCAM to achieve the final texture of our lamp.








Soundscape Lamp – CNC Milling Corian is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016/2017 by:

Students: Montakan Manosong, Ricardo Mayor, Malavika Mehta
Tutors: Alexandre Dubor, Matteo Guarnaccia