Parametric Facade
The objective of this exercise is to write the pseudo code for the selected facade and create different variations by following the pseudo code.
Reference Facade // Gridshell’s Parametrically-Designed Canopy Shades Masseria Ospitale Restaurant in Lecce, Italy
The Masseria Ospitale structure was parametrically designed through a collaborative effort between Gridshell and ‘CMMKM Architettura e Design’. The project design team included Sergio Pone, Sofia Colabella, Bianca Parenti, Bernardino D’amico and Filomena Nigro. The design began with a grid of squares that were forced into deformation through variable heights and torsions that flex the rods of the grid into a mesh of diamonds. This new structure creates a very intricate, but effective shade structure that breathes life into the restaurant patio. This amazing shade structure is spans the depth of the outdoor patio behind Masseria Ospitale and is semi-covered through an integrated wood skin system.
Pseudo Code
- Create a panel.
- Explode the panel and evaluate curves from it.
- Create a polyline from the points that were evaluated from the curve.
- Create a boundary surface from the polyline and split brep.
- Dispatch brep into two surfaces and extrude the latter one.
Parts of Pseudo Code in Grasshopper Script
Variations of the Design

1st Variation
Instead of using the existing grid of a diamond mesh, I used the hexagonal mesh in the pipe command to give a variation to the selected facade.
2nd Variation
In this variation, I created a diagrid panel fillet with a varied thickness in the wall.
Computational Design // Assignment 1 is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2018 by:
Student: Karisma Bhagnani
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre, David Andres Leon
Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk