
In this seminar with Steffen Becker and Carles Ferreiro, apps for citizens, we first tried to find daily issues related to urban /city scale. Then we started the process to sorting the daily problems with similar base. Then we found the problem that we all have to handle within cities as a result of mobile and fast paced lifestyle:the commuter problem. So we raised this question:


Here’s our wireframe:RightWAY2 RightWAY3 RightWAY4 RightWAY5

RightWAY is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City & Technology in 2016 by:

Student: Mohit Chaugule, Chenghuai Zhou, Chaglar Gokbulut
Faculty: Steffen Becker, Carles Ferreiro