By utilizing AR / Vuforia, I experience the research line project in a complete new format, one that can help me represent my future professional projects.For the final project presentation I used a work in progress DWN studio project : Supra-digesters. As a group, among other things, we’ve been testing different geometries which can help develop our distributed organic waste biodigester system.Using AR give me a better understanding of some project advantages and problems in a clever and more interactive way.
Project main concept: Supra-digesters project is a distributed and modular growing urban project which aim to descentralize the city organic waste treatment by combining biological organic processes with different social programmes, thus creating emergent economies.Recycling city materials to produce new social & housing structures is in the center of the project.The different geometrical options used in this assignment held in their interior different processes in order to treat organic waste .
Once setting the Unity scene, importing as OBJ the different model options, proceeded to compare he different geometries within the same view.Scene environment: Direct light, trees/ cars /textures from Asset store
Setting the Canvas,Texts, Panels, Buttons: The user will see a Menu displayed on the top left corner where he will be able to switch from one option to another by clicking the 3 Options Buttons (on Button script, assigning one Model option to active-Gameobject.Setactive- and keeping the other 2 geometries unclicked) , in order to discover how each of the Geometries fit into the urban fabric and responds to the project idea.The idea is that the user visualize the project in his own Android Mobile phone
Supra-digesters is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2016 by:
Student: Jose Javier Fernandez Ponce
Faculty: Luis Fraguada, Angelos Chronis