How can we facilitate the assembly of wooden structures?
Wood is increasingly the material of choice among architects and construction leaders in the shift towards sustainable practices and materials – particularly in the format of CLT panels and glulams. In parallel, as digital tools allow for increasingly complex, nuanced and customised structures, correctly identifying these timber elements with their respective drawings becomes all the more challenging.
What if we had an application that could assist in searching for and identifying these elements and improving the workflow during assembly?
AssembleAssistant allows designers and construction workers to navigate through the assembly of complex assembled structures on-site. Users navigate through a digital model of a glulam wooden construction and toggle visibility of crossjoints, splicejoints, lamella bending, grain direction, volumetry and the respective number tags. In terms of controls, you will be able to rotate, scale, zoom the model, lock the model and disable detection planes for clear viewing.
Mixed Reality Environment for Architecture – AssembleAssistant is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:
Students: Rani Kamel
Faculty: Starsky Lara