For Assignment01-Geometry Manipulations of Computational Design, the objective is to apply computational design strategies as a form finding tool. The exercise is focused on a tridimensional manipulation of a simple sphere performed by combining multiple transformations. We are asked to do geometry manipulations : through euclidean transformation and through data list manipulation.

crossed lines

Sphere01  is used as a base geometry. Sphere02 is created as a offset of Sphere01. The surface points ( surface points are used as variables controlled by number sliders) of both spheres created the lines (from points01 to points02). To animate these lines, a cull pattern with boolean toggle is used. By changing the variables through number sliders, different patterns are formed by the lines. To icrease the effect of the pattern, the pipes are formed, as sphere geometries, their diameters can be controlled by number sliders.




crossed lines is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, Computational Design – Generative Algorithms in 2016 – 2017 by:

Student: Ekin Arslan

Tutors: Rodrigo Aguirre, Aldo Sollazo