Many people believe that the secret code towards happiness is having both – physical and mental health, but unfortunately today more and more people are falling under the category of ill. In Buddhist philosophy mind is considered to be a sense organ and by augmenting our mind (meditating) we can cure our body.

In this era of technology it is hard to find environment suitable for meditation and free of distractions. The aim of the project is to improve quality of meditation by allowing the user to discover and analyse interaction between the surrounding environment and the human body.

ChakraSuit is an experimental wearable that detects range of the sound frequencies in the surrounding environment and transforms it into vibration on the specific point or points (chakras) on vertebral. It consists of a piece of a clothing with integrated electronics.

ChakraSuit is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Masters in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:

Faculty: Luis Fraguada, Elizabeth Bigger

Support: Cristian Rizzuti

Student: Kristine Kuprijanova