The Bedford armory in Brooklyn is an unused structure that has a potential of reuse. We have decided to analyze the district in order to determine what function could best fit and serve the citizens of this specific district. We have found health reports stating that one of the problems that inhabitants encounter is related to the fact that they do not have access to fresh fruits and vegetables for less than ten minutes walking from their homes. And so, this uneasy accessibility draws the inhabitants to eat unhealthily and lead to high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes. Other interviews with the citizens have shown that parents are asking for after school activities for their children in order for them to stop spending their time into dangerous streets.

concept and organization

Therefore our decision was to combine education, food production and link it into a market with restaurants.

The Bedford Armory will grow food underground by using LED farming, with scientists and labs for evolution and testing purposes.

On the rooftop, we will use typical green rooftop farming where children could learn how to farm and where their food comes from.

The market will be located in the vaulted high space, as shown in the section, the whole point is to enhance interaction between the consumer and producer. The people buying their food can see how it is produced and can also eat it in the restaurants.

Section AA


Smart City Infrastructure – Smart City Operation Center is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City and Technology in 2015 by:
Students: Sherine Zein
Faculty: Willy Müller