
“Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting your vision” – Salvador Dalí.

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With four types of particles (which can be mixed between each other or can be appreciated separately) and a processing camera, it is generated Salvador Dali’s dream. The initial inspiration was water particles in movement (representing the humidity in the air) which were going to evaporate and create water, as it is done in my first prototype my thesis project. But after a visit to the surrealism room at Reina Sofía museum in Madrid, particles in the space started evolving and creating new realities in a hallucinogenic world, mixing densities, geometries and directions with the flow of water particles and the gravity in the air particles, and tracking them. When switching the particle it keeps the same movement but changing the visual, but the track is still on. It was used particles, arraylist, 3d geometry in the processing code so the Dali’s world could be represented, performed and even explored thanks to the imported camera that allows to move in it with the mouse.



project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016/2017 by:

Student: Carlos Daniel Gomez Oñate
Faculty: Angelos Chronis
Course: Processing Seminar