
A city data visualization that compares how prone to vehicular accidents a superblock district and a transitioning superblock district

Eixample and Sant Marti Comparison Map

Eixample Accident Map

Sant Marti Accident Map


It is very clear that accidents are more prominent on Eixample compared to Sant Marti. This proves that the implementation of SuperBlocks minimizes the possible accidents as it prioritizes pedestrians over vehicles.

Accidents will always become a part of the daily happenings in a city. It is not something that one can completely control and no one can predict when it will occur. However, with the initiative of the government to address this issue such as the Superblock, will likely minimize the rate, if not eliminate. After all, prevention is better than cure.

City Data View is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in City & Technology in 2019/20 by

Students: Jianne Libunao

Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre