There are many ways to model the real world.  Increasingly, we are moving away from attempting to model real world objects based on measuring, describing, and drawing and rather are looking for ways to digitize the object directly.  This can be done in a multitude of ways, including laser scanning, time of flight scanning, and photogrammetry.  For this exercise we will use photographer to digitize a real world object and use that as a basis for modelling a clean model in Rhino.


1_making curve boundary 2-spline and axis for follow 3-surcae-planner 4-sweep1 5-place over base 6-base rectangle 7-sweep1 8- move 9- torus 10-torus copy 11-torus nurb points modify with gumbale 12- nurbs smoothning 13-nurbs 15-curve for surface 16-loft 17- nurbs 18-- final output

Object was taken through 123 D catch app and then brought in rhino.

“123d ctach”  is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture 01 in 2015-16 by:
Student: Mohit chordia

Tutor : Luis Fraguada
Assistant Tutor : Rodrigo Aguirre