The task involved taking a light parametric model on the web and create an interface using HTML, CSS, Heroku and Rhino Compute Appserver.
With the recent developments in printing technologies, on one hand the product design is experiencing collaboration, saving time in prototyping, reaching the market and the consumers faster, on the other hand deciding how additive manufacturing process are used and when to use it can be daunting. Depending on your application, industry, and stage of product development — the permutations of options available for materials, coatings, post-processing can seem nearly infinite.

Different geometric configurations that are controlled parametrically
Design the vase is a platform for users to experience the 3D Print technology by designing the vase without any prior knowledge of tools like
grasshopper and can create variety of products by engaging on the website with different paramteres and eventually 3D printing it.

The base parametric geometry is created in grasshopper and linked to heroku and appserver using the Javascript.

The users not only have the option to change the parametres but download the file in the end in the .3dm format

Vase Design Grasshopper script

The web interface for the script
Design your Vase Online for 3D Print is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Computation for Architecture & Design in 2020/21 by Sachin Dabas in the S1-Digital Tools for Cloud-based Data Management taught by Will Pearson and Luis Fraguada.