The idea was to design and fabricate a panel using the base concept of a space frame with the help of customized 3D printed joinery.

The Design Process
The design process started with one module. Experiments in the structure were done with the help of fiberglass rods. Bending the rods and fixing them with the 3d printed joinery gave the prototype its strength and structural stability. Fabric was incorporated to create surfaces to break the monotony of design from either sides.

The Final Design Diagram
Specific points of the modules were accentuated and turned to make the entire design more dynamic.
The 3d printed joints doubled up as joinery for the Fabric. It was incorporated to create dynamic surfaces.
The Space frame was divided into three part for assembling the entire unit. The top and bottom parts were assembled first and the central elements were added later.

Types of Joinery

Production File
Project done by – Elliott Santos, Abhishek Soman, Aman Jain and Deepak Sivadasan.
Faculty – Alex Dubor and Raimund Krenmueller
Digital Fabrication // Space Frame // MAA01 2017-18 // Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC)