BY : Anusha Arunkumar, Silasalin Krisanarungkhun, Marina Lazareva, Mahdi Najafi The main approach of this exercise for us was to find and test the some parameters that may influence the structures that are really work with tensional integrity or better to say tensegrity. So we tried to study the behavior of different geometries and joints, and figure out their impact on tensional behavior of a structure. Begining with a simple surface, some parameters were have been manipulated in both real physical model, and virtual simulations in Kangaroo. And Finally, we discovered a somehow balanced relation between geometrical patterns, joint types and supports, to distribute the loads in a double curved surface. BY : Anusha Arunkumar, Silasalin Krisanarungkhun, Marina Lazareva, Mahdi Najafi