Flower Vase At the Palace In plaza espanya was scanned on 360 degree to capture the geometry and brought into rhino .

Imported geometry was remodelled in rhino with taking into consideration various techniques and new exploration were made like

Bitmap incorporation

bitmap stitching was done in photoshop


2 - Copy (2)

Stitched Texture to be used for mapping in rhino



Raaghav - Model process2 Raaghav - Model process3 Raaghav - Model process4 Raaghav - Model process5 Raaghav - Model process6 Raaghav - Model process7


Florero  is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015/2016 by:

Students:\Chenthur Raaghav Naagendran.
Faculty: Luis Fraguada