
Given the right conditions, what would the famous cross section columns expand into?  How will they grow and take over the space?

The algorithm takes the base section of the columns and expands it away from the center and up,  retaining tension between its points.

As the columns grow into the flowers of destruction, the metal evaporates, and the walls, glass and roof are shattered.

What are the properties of the so formed space?

Pseudo code

  1. Reference column geometry
  2. Obtain base contour
  3. Expand base contour away from center keeping tension between points
  4. Allow free vertical growth
  5. 1. avoid collision with existing elements; 5.2. Limit growth within the existing free space
  6. Avoid collision with its last iteration


Other explorations

  1. swirl vector generated curve growth, on  simple column expansion surface,with differential morphing of a mesh

  1. swirl vector generated curve growth, on  existing building elements,with differential morphing of a mesh