Could nature benefit from architecture?
By having great diversity of flowers in species, size and color, we are able to attract more types of pollinators. The combination of flowers should be selected in order to have blooms year-round to guarantee a constant food source. Butterflies also need flowers to lay their eggs. By bringing diversity into the forest, we encourage the diversity of animals, which in turn can bring biodiversity to the forest by pollinating, dispersing seeds, and controlling populations leading to a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Examples of plants recommended to attract pollinators and insects in Parc Natural de Collserola include: french lavender, field marigold, borage, rosemary, oregano, and fennel.
As for the other animals in the Park, they rely on diverse habitats. By taking into account pollinators and animals responsible for seed dispersal, we can take an indirect role in reestablishing the biodiversity and health of the flora, which in turn will increase the biodiversity of the fauna.
Given Collserola is highly visited by people, interactions with animals become greater. Many look for shelter and protection from humans and other predators. By integrating shelter into the design, animals are less vulnerable to predators and protected from climate conditions.
Attracting pollinators: plant selection
Plant selection take into account an expectation of limited maintenance. Thus, native plants and those with minimal water needs will be used. Selection will be made based on optimal bloom periods to ensure a continuous flow of nectar.
Fluid Boundaries
Form Development
Operable Facade
Internal Configuration
Food Production
Fluid Boundaries is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Masters in Advanced Ecological Buildings and Biocities in 2019/2020 by:
Students: Giada Mirizzi, Maitri Uka, Camila Fajardo, Camille Garnier
Faculty: Michael Salka, Jordi Prat, Daniel Ibañez, Vicente Guallart