FOAM[ATTIC]- Dynamic Insulation System
Architecture is no more just a word describing art or aesthetics in today’s world. Today, the world is facing economical and environmental crisis.
A vision where we can help the environment and create an efficient, sustainable, adaptable system. To fix all the issues of trying to live in comfort zone in this XXI century
Foam has proved to be one of the better solution to reduce the energy consumption. A question aroused… What if this material can do more than what it is designed to be? Should Hacking of the Material be done? Making it a Material that plays active role in Saving Energy Consumption.
A system which can save Energy by a huge margin with just small modification in the specification and an efficient mechanism combined together to get something more than just a passive insulation.
A simple change in geometry and porosity merged together can change the whole scenario. Wouldn’t that be great?
An insulation Panel that can work for summer and winter discreetly.The research was purely based on changing the r-value and the porosity of the foam and merging them together to give better results.
“A system which reduces energy consumption making an environment greener and a healthier place to live-in.”
A Material system was developed during this research program which can work discretely as an insulation system for both hottest as well as coldest scenario.
A different perspective of looking at the insulation which is one of the rising questions due to global warming.
A small contribution to the insulation industry.
“A system which reduces energy consumption making an environment greener and healthier place to live-in.”
Foam[ATTIC] is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master of Advanced Architecture in 2015/16 by:
- Nisarg sheth
- Inthat Ueasak-aree
- Naitik Shah
- Areti Markopoulou
- Alexandre Dubor
- Angelos Chronis