Catalan Rooftop
Pseudo Code
Set up
Generate and locate a basic geometry, a triangle, over Iaac’s rooftop
Open loop
Selection of basic geometry
Mirror geometry using one of the triangles edges, this will generate 2 triangles attach to each other
Selection of second triangle, mirror it using one of the edges from previous mirror geometry
this rule will generate 3 triangles attach to each other their edges
Close Loop
Remove duplicated lines
Generate a mesh
Using previous mesh apply select specific points to anchor our geometry to the ground
Apply different forces over mesh
Test deformations using different strength apply to each of the forces
Clean mesh generated form kangaroo
Extract its Edges and Vertices
Pipe Edges/Generate structure
Sphere over vertices generating structural Nodes
Generated mesh will represent a lightweight fabric.
Exterior Views
Kangaroo iterations
Geometry Segments = 3 // Anemone Mirror position on curve = 0.50 // Kangaroo Edge Length = 1.3 – Vertex Loads = 0.126 – Smooth = 101 -Planarize = 1
Geometry Segments = 3 // Anemone Mirror position on curve = 0.50 // Kangaroo Edge Length = 2.0 – Vertex Loads = 0.339 – Smooth = 3 -Planarize = 0
Geometry Segments = 3 // Anemone Mirror position on curve = 0.50 // Kangaroo Edge Length = 0.60 – Vertex Loads = 0.339 – Smooth = 41 -Planarize = 1
Geometry Segments = 3 // Anemone Mirror position on curve = 0.50 // Kangaroo Edge Length = 2.0 – Vertex Loads = 0.057 – Smooth = 3 -Planarize = 0
Forces Of Nature, Catalan Rooftop is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2019 by: Osmin Josué López Avalos
Faculty Rodrigo Aguirre, Mohamad Elatab, Ivan Marchuk, Oana Taut