Pseudo Code:
- Create a rectangular base geometry and make mesh out of them.
- Now extract the points on the mesh where you want to anchor the structure.
- We can mark points directly on the rhino and assign them on grasshopper or create them directly through grasshopper.
- After anchor points mark the points where the structure needs to be pulled by defining the direction, angle and height.
- Now merge them all connect them to the Kangaroo 2 Bouncy solver engine to obtain the structure.
- After the desired shape is attained you can start post production with applying colors and texture to it with Weaverbird.
Computational Design // IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia Developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by: Student: Logesh Mahalingam Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk, Nikoleta Mougkasi